
Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School!

Today was a great day! My students are amazing! We started a design challenge today to make a 3-D class map. The scenario was a "fake" email from our principal giving us our challenge. 

Dear Mr. Parthemore,

Throughout the school year, many new students transfer into Cannon Elementary School. Many of these students do not know the normal classroom procedures or where important items are located in the room.  The school board is trying to decide if our campuses should convert to 3-D classroom maps to make it easier for our newer students. Unfortunately, our district is on a specific budget so we may not be able to afford these new maps. Your class challenge is to create a 3-D classroom map of Mr. Parthemore’s room using construction paper, scissors, glue sticks, markers/crayons, straws, tape, and a box of decorative pieces.  Your classroom maps must include the following items: garbage can, bathroom passes, Kleenex box, hand sanitizer, daily schedule, notebook paper, job chart, class dictionaries, classroom laptops, the writing process chart, pencil sharpener, leveled books, backpack holder, student and teacher desks, Monday take home folders, Emergency go kit backpack, door, and windows.  Once your design is completed, please write up a request explaining why our campuses should go from 2-D to 3-D and why your design should be chosen.
Afterwards, please send me your written requests and designs to me so that I can write up a proposal to the school board. Since the school board meeting is later this evening, you will only have only an hour to complete this task.

Excited to see your designs!


Mrs. Blizzard

So far, their designs are turning out great! Take a look! 

 After lunch, our class participated in the third grade Washer Challenge. The object was to get the tennis ball into the tub using only a washer and 5 strings. Students needed to work together for a common goal, understanding that all team members are important. Take a look: 

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